Monday, December 20, 2010

JEP Coaching Scholarship Report: Week 4

This was definitely a week of dodging raindrops, some days more successfully than others! I got most of my hours in and didn't spend too much time riding on rollers. It's rained quite a lot in the past few days, but at least the temperature stayed reasonable.

Monday 12/13
Prescribed: Rest Day or optional commute to work
Actual: Rest day (drove to work), I was tired.

Tuesday 12/14
Prescribed: WO1: Defiance Crossfit, WO2: One hour active recovery on rollers
Actual: WO1: "Heavy Day" at Crossfit - lifting at 80% of max! I also tried the December Challenge at Crossfit, which was a 500m erg piece. I used to be okay at these, but it's also been about two years since I did any hard erg pieces so I only managed 1:42.1, with fairly bad rowing form. WO2: Did 45min on rollers - had to use our small rollers (2.25 drums) because Jose wanted the 3.0 drums for a workout on his TT bike.

Wednesday 12/15
Prescribed: WO1: 90min Indoor Trainer Session with 10min z3 efforts, WO2: Stretching
Actual: WO1: Not actually raining outside, so I did my first couple of efforts with Andi then finished by riding to work for a 2 hour total ride. WO2: 50 minute commute home, easy, WO3: Stretched

Thursday 12/16
Prescribed: WO1: Defiance Crossfit, WO2: Ride in aerobars for 90min
Actual: WO1: Felt great doing front squats @ 80% of max, then way too many burpees, pushups, situps, and squats. WO2: Rode to work on TT bike, got in a few good chunks in the aerobars. Total time on bike:70min

Friday 12/17
Prescribed: WO1: Endurance in aerobars for 90min, WO2: Stretching
Actual: WO1: It ended up raining, but I still managed to get out for 90min on the TT bike (on which I hastily placed a fender). WO2: Stretched

Saturday 12/18
Prescribed: WO1: 3 hour ride with z3 efforts or Indoor Trainer workout, WO2: Stretching
Actual: WO1: It didn't rain! It kept threatening to, but I got in a good two and a half hours with Dan and Andi before it started raining. It didn't even rain that hard at first, so I got to finish out my 3 hours without having to touch my rollers. WO2: Stretched

Sunday 12/19
Prescribed: WO1: 3 hour ride with z3 efforts or Indoor Trainer workout, WO2: Stretching
Actual: WO1: Started out with an hour outside, but it was raining, gusty, the roads were full of debris, etc, just generally miserable out there. Came inside and continued my workout on the rollers, but only lasted about 30 minutes before my focus started slipping and I got tired, so I decided to call it quits before I started falling off. WO2: Stretched.

Weekly Totals:
Prescribed: 15:20
Actual: 14:31

Thanks for reading!

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