Monday, December 13, 2010

JEP Coaching Scholarship Report: Week 1

This is my first Scholarship Report, and I'm really excited to be a part of this program. I've been working with Coach Dan since this July, and I'm excited to continue working with him. I haven't yet met with Coach Dan to go over next year's goals, so I'll report on those next time. This past week I attended all of the SportVelo Fall Foundation Training Camp and got some good hours in.

Monday 11/22
Prescribed: Flat Threshold Test on Beat the Clock course

Actual: Warmed up and rode hard, but had a bad test. My power was low, probably due to a combination of cold weather, inadequate sleep, and the fact that it's November and I'm not exactly in racing shape right now.

Tuesday 11/23
Prescribed: WO1: Strength training at Defiance Crossfit, WO2: Neuromuscular Power Sprints

Actual: Went to Defiance Crossfit and had a good workout. I didn't have time to do the sprints because work kept me busy late.

Wednesday 11/24
Prescribed: 90 minute endurance ride with focus on high cadence

Actual: Decided yesterday's sprints were more important, so I worked them into my usual commute to and from work, 50 minutes each way. (I ride to work most days from Menlo Park to San Mateo and back.)

Thursday 11/25
Prescribed: Strength training at Defiance Crossfit, then relax for the holiday

Actual: Had a great workout at Defiance Crossfit - we did a bunch of running, hang power clean to push press, box jumps, and situps.

Friday 11/26
Prescribed: 4 hour tempo endurance ride at SportVelo Fall Training Camp, WO2: 30min stretching

Actual: On the bike for about four hours - we went out to Canada and back for a warmup, then climbed Kings. I opted for the slightly shorter route and descended Tunitas and climbed back up, then back down Kings. I took it easy up Tunitas since my lower back tends to ache on climbs, but it was fine since I took a break or two.

Saturday 11/27
Prescribed: 4 hour tempo endurance ride at SportVelo Fall Training Camp, WO2: 30min stretching

Actual: It rained quite a lot, so SportVelo camp was moved to Defiance Crossfit for an overview of lifting techniques followed by two hours of indoor riding. I spent most of the workout on rollers, which was great practice for me, then switched briefly to a trainer for some drills.

Sunday 11/28
Prescribed: 4 hour tempo endurance ride at SportVelo Fall Training Camp, WO2: 30min stretching

Actual: 3 hour ride: up Old La Honda, down West 84, Pescadero to West Alpine, down Page Mill and back. It was chilly outside but sunny so it ended up being quite a nice ride. Did remember to stretch after the ride.

Week Totals
Prescribed: 19:30
Actual: 16:20

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